Breaking News
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Info Post
Of course they were "lost". I mean, it's only their job to keep these records. Sort of hard to tell if the world is getting warmer if we don't have these records. Anyone else suppose that's why these records were "lost"? From The Register:
The world's source for global temperature record admits it's lost or destroyed all the original data that would allow a third party to construct a global temperature record. The destruction (or loss) of the data comes at a convenient time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia - permitting it to snub FoIA requests to see the data.

The CRU has refused to release the raw weather station data and its processing methods for inspection - except to hand-picked academics - for several years. Instead, it releases a processed version, in gridded form. NASA maintains its own (GISSTEMP), but the CRU Global Climate Dataset, is the most cited surface temperature record by the UN IPCC. So any errors in CRU cascade around the world, and become part of "the science".
I'm calling shenanigans.


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