Breaking News
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Info Post
Monday, Nesho posted a story about the Chinese being 24 million wives short for its disproportionate male population. He then commented about the concerns for the world as a whole that can be caused by large numbers of unmarried young men. And pointed to radical Islam as an example. It was agreed that young, unwed, angry men are a danger to civilization. So, it was pontificated, what if we could direct these two angry trains, radical Muslims and nationalist Chinese, toward one another. Well...What a coincidence. The trains might be meeting one another sooner than we think. Without our help.
China is considering setting up military bases and possibly deploying forces in the Middle East over the next decade as a means of protecting its access to strategic materials, especially oil, and sizeable investments in various Arab countries, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Middle East expert Patrick Seale said the Chinese influence in the Middle East is rising and its trade with Arab countries, which totaled $132 billion in 2008, will increase. The growing cooperation between China and Iran in energy and trade is seen as leading to the prospect of increased military cooperation. That would come at a time when the West is considering increased sanctions against Iran, and Israel is threatening open military attack on Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities.
Occupiers! Infidels! Yes China. Bite that apple. Bite it please.

And then there's this. Chinese on the dark continent.


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