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Friday, January 14, 2011

Info Post
Yes sir, it's Friday and you know what that means?  That's right. . .time for some music.

Today's selection is from Eddie James House, Jr., better known as Son House.  His guitar playing can best be described as rhythmic and as you'll notice in the video he plays without a pick using his long fingers to strum and individually pick at the strings while also providing and constructive percussive beat in the process.  I taught myself to play guitar in this fashion as I never fancied holding a pick in my fingers and it adds a nice element to the music when playing alone.  I call it a drumset in your hand.

The musical instincts of Son House like many of his comtemporaries of that time was rooted in gospel music and hand-me-down chain gang rhythms, and naturally, as this is the blues at its purest, touched on the troubles that infected the lives of these great men.  Drinking, women, carryin' on, the Lord and Jesus; these were the typical themes.  What makes this music and many others like Son House special is the way they play, the emotion, the volcanic eruption of music from the soul.  This ain't Ralph Macchio wandering around the Delta with a Telecaster and Pignose amplifier over his shoulder.  This is the real deal Mississippi Delta Blues.  Enjoy!


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