Breaking News
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Info Post
Well damn the double post! Captain beat me to the punch by about three seconds.

In that case, hey look!!  It's a cat wearing a dog out.

Click the link below if you want to read my drivel.

Do not trust your government!

Obama's new Amber Alert Czar. . . .

From CBSLocal NYC:

Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.

Oh hell no!  First, it's tax-by-the-mile and car tracking (contradict much Obama?) then cell phone tracking, then your internet searches and NOW, we are going to have government chipsets imbedded in our phones????  WTF???

C'mon Texas, what are you waiting for??  It's time to seal the border and tell our government where they can stick their government chipset!  I've never been one of these let's rise up with pitchforks kinda folk but every step closer to this totalitarian/utopian communal society were are marching towards is becoming less palatable by the minute.  My government can mind their own damned business and keep their hands off my stack, Jack!  Especially if it is being funneled to the great unwashed and useless dregs of our society who don't produce a f'n thing in their miserable, pathetic little lives.


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