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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Info Post
Normally when I run across something as dumb, as contrived, as fake, and as pompous as the website 90 Days, 90 Reasons, I would spend some time dissecting it into small bite-sized pieces that you could then wash down with a swig of cold, hard factwater.

But with something as stupefying as this website I'll leave it to a professional to do the yeoman's work of dis-assembly.

Enter Andrew Ferguson of The Weekly Standard:

Reading the posts from all these writers and artists over the last two months has reminded me of the chasm that separates the talent for creative work from the talent for making a whole lot of sense, rationality-wise. “I have noticed something in Mitt Romney’s name, which I think speaks to what he is about,” writes the movie director David Lynch (Los Angeles) in Reason 52. “If you just rearrange a few letters, Romney becomes R MONEY. I believe Mitt Romney wants to get his mitts on R Money.”

Whew, that's deep Director Lynch.  I'm ready for my wide angle now.

The essays themselves show all the magic of political discourse in the Internet age—the freewheeling energy, the unconventional lines of argument, the damn-the-torpedoes prose—which is another way of saying that Eggers really needs to hire a copy editor. Some sentences you can read several times without success. “Millions of progressive Americans,” Eggers writes, “are now behaving as if, because Obama hasn’t addressed their particular pet issue, that the best way to express their dissatisfaction is to allow Mitt Romney to become president.”

“Corporations,” notes the writer John Sayles (Dutchess County, New York) in Reason 49, “have been anointed responsibility by the Supreme Court as both eligible of public subsidy and free of, and, like all large and unrestrained creatures, act only in their own self-interest.”

Well, if you say so!  Put a couple more commas in there, it's, have be, aiight.

Just consider these 90 reasons as the first 90 votes cancelled out in the election via clear, unadulterated, and blinding ignorance.  Lethal ignorance.

And speaking of lethal ignorance: Thank you sir, may I have another! 


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