Breaking News
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Info Post
First it was Obama winning the Nobel Prize for some bullshit he hadn't accomplished yet (or never has), oh yeah, for the prize for Peace, even though he has killed more people via drone than his predecessor including an American citizen (not that I give two shakes of the wanker about that).

And now Yoko Ono, the most irrelevant person on the planet, has awarded some cockamamie peace prize to Lady Gaga for "changing the mental map" of the world.  The only thing Lady Gaga has changed are the minds of our children as they have difficulty making even the smallest decision today.  Like, do I wear a meat suit to school today or not?  Or do I dress up like a coked-out, purple, Emo cockatoo?

Add Yoko Ono to the rocket pod of assholes I want to shoot off into deep space.  Meaningless, irrelevant, immoral, trapezoids of stupidity peddling vile garbage to our children and carousing with the worst people of the planet.

Maybe when they land on Planet X and the intelligent life there realizes what a bunch of self-absorbed hypocritical turds we are they'll fly over here and vaporize us back into base atomic structures to be gobbled up by the Universe and reconstituted into something better and more useful to the circle of life.


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