Breaking News
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Info Post

Moldova Listeni/mɔːlˈdvə/,[9][10] officially the Republic of Moldova (Moldovan/RomanianRepublica Moldova pronounced [reˈpublika molˈdova]) is a landlocked nation in Eastern Europe located between Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. The capital city is Chișinău.

Here it is on the map...

Moldova is known for its wines. For many years viticulture and winemaking in Moldova were the general occupation of the population.  Making wine is the national pastime. 

It has an underground crime problem.

This is a Moldovan (sic?) woman...Singer Anna Lesco.  Whoever that is.  She looks kinda scary to me.

If I were to move there, I would live in a house like this...

I would stroll down the street smoking a briar wood pipe and having casual conversations with men wearing soccer jumpsuits plastered with colorful advertising.  But I'd still just be wearing my blue jeans.  


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